Imperial Fist Reinforcements

I have been working on some additions to my Imperial Fists, or the “yellow guys” as my wife calls them. The army has been steadily growing since its inception 4 years ago and is now to the point where I have far more units than I could hope to field in a single game. Fun for variety, but it is shame to not be able to use the whole collection when I use them agains the enemies of the Emperor.

First up is a humble addition to the core troops in the army, a five man unit of Intercessors.

Squad 20 (noted by the XX on their shoulders) is from the 2nd company and is a the backbone of any force. They are all armed with Bolt Rifles and with their bulky power armor, are very durable. They can usually be found pushing objectives in games and advancing steadily forward.

Next up is a kit that I have wanted to build since it came out a few years ago. I had to build and paint it in multiple parts to make sure that I could reach all the details, but after some fiddly beginnings, I am super happy with the final result.

The Landspeeder is a tank hunter, busting enemy tanks with rockets and a hull mounted lascannon. This has a very aggressive movement value and is pretty durable. It often scouts ahead of the main force to engage enemy vehicles before they can do any damage.

Last up are some support pieces. The hero on the right goes with a unit that I am yet to paint, but this model was calling my name so I went a bit out of order. The gun emplacement is a great flank piece that will cause enemy tanks to think twice before heading in its line of site. The final two on the left are 2/3 of a squad that is painted in the alternate color scheme that I use when I am too lazy to paint all that yellow.

Always more to paint, so stay tuned!

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